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谁是世界上第一个男人 复制
a teacher said to her class:”who was the first man?”一个老师问她的学生:“谁是世界上第一个男人”“george washington,” a little boy shouted promptly. 一个小男孩立刻大声说:“乔治.华盛顿。”“how do you make out that george washington was the first man?”asked the teacher,smiling indulgently. 老师带着宠溺的笑容问这个男生:“你如何证明乔治华盛顿是世界上第一个男人呢。”“because,” said the little boy, “he was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”这个男孩子说:“因为,他是第一个挑起战争,第一个主张和平,并且是第一个深得民心的人。”


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