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关于英语的笑话,一起来看看吧 复制
是我们生活中的必不可少的,很多人都会讲笑话,并因为笑话结交了很多朋友,关于英语的笑话更能让人开怀大笑,下面就和乐活吧小编一起来看几个关于英语的笑话吧。 关于英语的笑话1One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm1) a mother was tucking her small boy into bed.She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor2) in his voice,“Mommy,will you sleep with me tonight ?”The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring3) hug. “I can’ t,dear.” She said.“I have to sleep in Daddy’s room.”Along silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice:“The big sissy4).”一个夏季的晚上,雷雨大作,母亲让小男孩上床钻进被窝。她正准备熄灯,孩子声音颤抖地问:“妈咪,你今晚可以陪我睡吗?”母亲笑着,拥抱一下小孩安慰说,“亲爱的,不可以。我得睡在爸爸的房间。”一阵长长的沉默之后,男孩小声地用颤音说:“大胆小鬼。”关于英语的笑话2Two twins went to the kindergarten.“Who’s the elder and who’s the younger one?” asked a nurse.两个双胞胎走进幼儿园。“你们两个谁大谁小?”保育员问。One of them winked and said,“Elder brother,don’t tell her.”其中的一个眨了眨眼睛说,“哥哥,不要告诉她。”好了,几个关于就给大家讲完了,希望大家能够喜欢,同时也希望大家看完这几个关于英语的笑话后,可以从中获得快乐,并把快乐传递下去。


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